Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bahama Mama FTW

So. Class. Yeah.

I read the Watchmen, and I have no idea what that has to do with this post but it was pretty, pretty, pretty good. I'm also making this post fueled by booze. What did we do on monday. ...................................................... monday.........................................hrm......................................................

Still thinking.

We, talked. What about?

Surely media. The class got out an hour early, I remember finding that aston

WAT+IT I remembered something from the class! We talked about how to get inspiration for our final projects. Apparently I'm failing according to the class description. I need to do a better job of setting the bar low for expectations of myself.


I honestly can't remember the rest of the class. I know we made a list and Corey and I made phalic jokes about something or another.



1 comment:

spyroterra said...

You are absolutely not failing - I am just pushing you to do your best and don't you EVEN THINK about lowering that bar for yourself. You are approaching this class from a very different place from almost everyone else in the room so of course you will have a very skewed version of things...

Bottoms up!